Thursday, June 21, 2012

Do You Have a Good Belly Laugh Daily ?

We are lucky to be born as Human beings - Why? Not just because we have the power to think great and innovate, but we have this unique power to 'laugh out loud'. Because, to my knowledge, I have never seen a dog, cat or cockroach laughing out loud. Perhaps, I'm wrong, but that's a different topic open to debate - Do animals and insects laugh or not?! But, as human beings we have this ability to appreciate humor and laugh, snort, chuckle or giggle seeing things and people. However, not many of us feel blessed to have this very special emotional stimuli called laughter in us. When was the last time you laughed till you got tears in your eyes?

"Laughter is the best medicine". I know this phrase sounds very cliched, but I certainly believe it's the Gospel truth! When I told this to my grim-faced neighbour, she asked me If I can get her a 'laughter pill' by any chance ?! That didn't surprise me because, a lot of us are hell-bent in popping pills for even the mildest sneeze! I made myself clear to my neighbour right away saying that laughter is the emotional medicine which she should dose herself up everyday!

If you are lucky enough to have a baby, toddler or a child around you, just observe them. For these small wonders, everything around them is new, interesting, funny and ready-to-explore. Nothing truly matters to the child apart from playing and laughing most of the day. Probably, that is why children do not need 'Blood pressure' monitors and follow-up Stress management sessions like we adults.

Next, If you think you have memory like a sieve and severely absent-minded, it's high time you start laughing or phenomenally increase your 'Daily laughing Quota". Because Laughter can credibly improve your memory. It puts a great deal of emotional context to all your conversations and learnings and commits them to your memory permanently. Well, In a way, I can relate this to my 'group-study' sessions which I used to be a part of, during my school and college days. A group of my friends and friends' friends will gang together and  study, explain concepts, pointers and ideas about a subject. In between, we cracked jokes on/off the topic and laughed our heads off! Truly, It worked wonders during my exams, because I was able to jog my memory up pretty well and reproduce what I learnt easily. I still believe 'group-study' in a way, is far better than sitting alone in a room and cramming for the exams all day and night.

Laughter always gives an inner feeling of joy and excitement to you and people around you. It can an make you elated in a half-a-moment with the maximum possible hangover. Just recollect your high school days when neighbours, teachers, friends, relatives and at times even strangers had been the subject of laughter for you. We either ridiculed others or poked fun at ourselves to have a hearty laugh with our friends. These days, during casual chats with my friends, I hear many of them yearning to back to those days of hearty laughter and fun. Now, that says it all- As adults we don't have that many laugh-out-loud moments in our life.

Today everyone of us is a part of some rat race, whether we like it or not. To relieve the boredom, I think, its good to cheer up as much as possible. If you are at work, do ensure you are surrounded by folks who can laugh and joke a lot and can lighten up the mood. If you are at home jobless, you can take some time out to watch comedy movies or shows, sign-up in online laughter forums or join some laughter clubs. By the way, Laughter Yoga or Hasya yoga is quite popular in many countries. Check this link to find some laughter clubs in your area. Lastly, If you love to read books, you can pick some light and funny reads from your library.

Because No medicine is handy, inexpensive and more effective than having a good belly laugh!

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